What is the One thing the Lord has for you today? Part 2

Let’s recap with this from Part 1

Jesus one thing was He found what the Father was doing and where the Father was working and focused on that. As we read through the bible we see Jesus doing this again and again. Yes there were other things He did, He worked as a carpenter and I would suggest daily commitment too.

Yet His heart attitude was focus on the thing(s) the Father wanted Him to do every day. From His very short time of this earth He made a remarkable difference. 

Testify to God’s Goodness:

Many years ago we were at a conference my wife and I with 30-40 of our youth group, and just us so to oversee them. The Lord asked me to go outside, I did, and there was a man in a bad way with dirty, smelly clothes coming towards me and asking could we could talk? I said yes of course “he said I knew you would understand, then explained he had been sleeping in thelocal cemetery and was about to commit suicide. Yet had this thought to come to this church and when he saw me he had the next thought that I would understand. 

I asked what he wanted at home? To see a miracle! I shared I’ve seen a baby raised from the dead, a fewtestimonies and ended with the greatest miracle the giving one’s life to Jesus. The Lord asked me to text my wife to come out, she left the youth as she felt she needed to come out. I then asked her could this man could come home with us? Of course she said.

Imagine this picture a large group of looking after themselves pretty rough and wild varying ages, due to the family situations, not the kind you can leave unsupervised. Yet the Lord wanted us to trust Him and leave them unsupervised to help someone else. 

We took this man into the conference and home with us, which was not convenient as we did not have a big house and all the youth were staying with us over night. 

Following day, one guy hassled us for money to take his girlfriend to the movies, he asked my wife and then me for money, we said ask the Lord. Then I got frustrated and said yes I will give it to you. Going home I stopped at a garage for the money however the lady said they can’t give out cash at night. 

Right then a guy walked past me and said “I see you have lots of youth, I like youth here is $10. Yes the amount required for the young man to take his girlfriend to the movies ! I jumped back in the van and explainedto this young man what the Lord had done for him and the old man we were bringing home said “I saw that (first miracle)“ I felt to ring my P.A and ask if he had any clothes that could fit this man. 

He said maybe and said if we find anything he will put them in our house for him. 

We arrived home, while sorting youth, my wife asked the man to have a shower and gave him a bag of clothesmy P.A had dropped off. I watched as he opened the bag he started to cry. I asked if he was ok and he replied that every piece of clothing was his exact size ! (Second miracle)

The next day we take him to back to the conference with the youth. I remember the day clearly because as I sat down, The Lord showed me a box of jigsaw puzzles. One piece had been placed on a board. I shared this picture with the man and said the first piece represented what the Lord had done the day before, yet the next piece needs to be in place by him and asked if hewanted to give his life to Jesus? He said yes so we lead him to the Lord  (the greatest miracle). 

We then brought him home and the following day took him to church, here the church provided funds to get him some food and a place to stay (another miracle of provision). I remember this day clearly too. As before we left to take this man to his new place. He came to me and said I’ve a question ‘Can God forgive murder? I said of course! A Peace fell on him and he started to share about being in the army and the things he had to do. Thankfully my reaction was not from me but from theLord’s direction. He then felt to check His bank account and saw he had received extra funds. We dropped him off at his new place, a few days later we tried to find him and couldn’t (was he an angel or man? we will never know) I remember sitting with a pastor the we dropped this man off, he was amazed and said he couldn’t dowhat we did, my thought was I wonder why he couldn’t?

Remember testimonies come from a test! 


1. Ask the Lord will you show me where You are working? And show me who You want me to help today and how to help them? 

Please send through your testimonies.

Father we ask that You will reveal even more of what you are doing. Please help us to hear what You are saying to do and what You are calling us to collaborate with You? So that Your Glory may come and we may see lives transformed. We give You all the Praise and Glory. In Jesus Name. Amen

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Craig  Patten
Founding  Pastor/Prophet 
Encounter Centre & Ministries 

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