Take Every Thought Captive

Take Every Thought Captive

This is a command from Paul to the church of Corinth. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

So how  does it apply to us?

Do we do it? 

How do you do it ? 

In essence what does it really mean to take every thought captive?

In a world that is moving faster and faster, this simple yet so important command is essential for good mental health. Protecting not only ourselves, but also for our families, business and ministry.

Today I will try to unpack the answer and release the revelation on this important and often misunderstood subject. My prayer is that this will be an invitation to bring about conviction in love to us, which brings about the understanding and keys to open the door to a supernatural thought pattern for you.

A lifestyle of freedom! 

Jesus paid the price at the cross.“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” John 10:10

As a prophet I find that my mind and spirit can get burdened by the words, messages, thoughts, memories and situations that others or myself are in. 

If I focus, dwell or let all the above in, then I end up exhausted and depleted mentally, physically and spiritually. 

This is why it’s so vital to practice the command of taking every thought captive to Christ. 

I know the gifts I have in the prophetic of hearing clearly. 

This gift is both true of the heavenly things and the demonic things. This is what being sensitive in the spirit means. That you see, hear, discern and know both good and bad parts in the spiritual realms.

This could be a reason why prophetic people seem to suffer from mental health challenges more than others.

Right, so how do we stop this, what do we need to do? 

We need to protect our minds, hearts and health, by doing what Paul said: taking every thought captive to Jesus, and I mean every thought little or big, give it to Jesus.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Step 1. Let me explain for every thought, message, leading, word, or memory you need to have a place to sort it and store it, like a sheep sorting pen that separates the sheep. 

It needs to be close enough for you to see, hear and examine if it’s new or an old thought, but also far enough away that you are protected from the thought.

I know it sounds complicated but if you apply this first step “Sorting and Storing” you will have the ability to test each thought, to see if they are of God, yourself or the Enemy.

Step 2. Observe each thought you have in your pen to see, is it of God? This is done by examining the characteristics of the thought, through the lens of The Fruit of the Spirit, in Galatian 5:22-24.

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)
But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. Against such there is no law.

I believe each one of the fruit is a characteristic of a Loving Father seen Mathew 7:9-11. In our observation we can see if it aligns with His will and His Love for us, this helps us quickly identify the thoughts that are from Him, and to test each thought against His word, which is who He is! 

A further option would be to simply. Ask Him directly , which ones are from Him and which ones are not. But I understand, for quite a few of you. This option might feel overwhelming. If this is the case, just stick to the step above. 

Step 3.. Especially in those times when our clarity, ear or discernment can be comprised by situations, circumstances, loss or pain, that we or others we know are facing.

Please if you are at a loss or unsure on any word, message, leading then do ask someone you trust and you know, hears accurately from God to help you.

Remember it’s ok to ask, as our weakness is made perfect in His strength (2 Corinthians 12:9 )and in this case His Love will rest upon you in understanding, and who doesn’t want that? For God’s love to rest upon them.

Step 4. It’s “Action time” when we get serious to reject, cast out, and pull down the thoughts, messages, words that are not of Him. These may look good, sound good, feel good, and even help others, but if they are not from Him. Let them go. Just like the song says “let it go, let it go, let it go”

I often have world changing ideas enter my thoughts, but if they are not from the Lord there is no way they will happen or work. I am speaking this as a witness of trying and failing in the past on this very point of trying to do things that were amazing but not of Him, the result was they all failed. Remember Matthew 7:15 “a sheep may look like a sheep but underneath It could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

Now that we have rejected the enemy’s schemes and our own thoughts, what do we do next?

Step 5. Now it’s “Advice & Direction time” where we spend time with the Lord asking Him for advice and direction on each thought, message, word. I see them as books needing attention and direction, for example some are to go on the shelf of my heart so I can mediate and revisit them, and others require quick action from me.

In this time you could say a prayer like “ Father I know that each word that comes from You contains everything needed to see it accomplished, so Father with …………  (enter then thought) what is my next step ? “

Grab your journal as you’re in a quiet space with the Lord and write down all He says to you, and do what He directs you to do.

Wow! With the revelation of these steps above.  I believe we can stop the enemy in his tracks, avoid his lies and schemes, and advance the Kingdom with Him in its fullness.

Father as your Beloved Son and Daughter start this epic journey of discernment for their thoughts and learn how to take every thought captive to Jesus. Please be their protection, wisdom and revelation, for Lord all things are possible because of You and through You. In Jesus name. Amen

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Craig  Patten
Founding  Pastor/Prophet 
Encounter Centre & Ministries 

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