These were the words I got one morning as I inquired of the Lord for the reason for a belt of illness, I had just been through.
These words first shocked me, but also brought an interest and urge to press in for the fullness of what He was saying.
As I looked back over the prior weeks, I could see many mistakes and things I could improve on, from the decisions I’d made, but none I could change now, including tiredness, over working and working in very cold windy conditions. Here was my choice, to dwell on these factors, and think was this the reason, or all of these were the reason, or was I going to go with what the Lord had said. Sometimes there is no reason, but to give Him Glory.
Jesus said in John 16:33 “while you are in the world you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world” so let’s pause here and agree life is not easy and things happen that we don’t expect. That’s why it’s called the unexpected, but what we do in, with and through the unexpected, will determine the outcome for us.
In my pressing in The Lord took me to John 9. Here we meet a man who’s been blind for life! He is waiting for a miracle, that he’s totally unaware is about to happen, on this planned day, and time, and from a special person, the only One who heals (Jesus). The disciples inquire as to why he was this way – why is he blind? They are curious and trying to pin down the reason for this infliction the man has. How often do we do this? Anyways back to John 9 where the disciples ask the question for the reason why.
V2. Teacher, whose sin caused this guy’s blindness, his own or his parents sin?
Now it’s interesting that the Lord takes another direction and gives a radical answer and reason in verse3
V3. Jesus answered, “Neither. It happened to him so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle.
Did you hear those words? Neither, it happened to him so you could watch him experience miracle from God. As I read these words, I saw a likeness and connection for myself. Let’s read my story.
On Saturday the doctor was in two minds whether to send me to hospital, or to try something radical. This was to give me some medication as things with my throat were so bad that I could not swallow and was in so much pain, and send me home to rest with the agreement I would come back at 7pm that night (10hrs later) He called this ‘a long shot’ but decided to go with it. I went home and did what he said and started “praising the Lord in the pain” as I felt in my heart, here was a place and a moment I could praise Him unlike others. I was praising Him for who He is and what He has done! Not for the pain, as He never brings pain or illness in us, the enemy does that.
Later that night my friend came over, we went to the doctors. The doctor could not believe the results, his eyes showed the surprise (Miracle in front of him). He said it was remarkable, he said he was so close to sending me to hospital in the morning, but something inside stopped him and redirected him to take a chance and he grabbed it and went with it. I believe he heard God, that still quiet voice of reason and relevance. I am so grateful he listened. Since that day my recovery has been remarkable and all glory to God, as I have been allowed time to rest and reflect on how Good He is.
In my recovery time I’ve been wondering could this whole story be about him (the doctor) hearing God? I don’t know for sure, but if it was then it is worth it, just as it was for the Blind man. The reason Jesus said was so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle.
For one we now know for certain the other a mystery (Job asked this in Job 11:7 a man whose story has the same answer both stories above have the same reason to reveal God’s Glory.
Sometimes I think we spend too much time judging and analysing our past, all the while trying to dig up the reason or reasons why. We’re not alone in this, Job’s friend did this, Jesus’ disciples did this, and the Pharisees did this and all of them came up with the wrong answers! Just as we can.
Then we can get stuck focusing, thinking, rehashing how we could have done things differently, better, but Paul simply refused to do this, in Philippians 3:13.
He also reminded us in 1 Corinthians 3:22 that we don’t own our past, we only own the present and future.
With that thought sometimes there is no reason, but to give Him Glory, let’s journal on it and ask the Lord what He wants to say to us about things that are happening in our lives.
Reflection time:
1. What are the things that are causing you pain, take time, be honest, vulnerable and transparent. Speed is not the goal.
2. Ask the Father to help you understand why this happens, so you may learn from your past, position yourself in the present, and not end up in the same place in the future. Be careful to write only what He says, not what you think. If like in my case He says ‘Sometimes there is no reason, but to give Him Glory. Then Thank Him for the opportunity to reveal Him and move to the next point on your list
3. With each pain identified, allow time for Him to lead you, guide you, redirect you, reshape you and transform you.
4. Ask Father where to from here? Write all you hear Him say on one point at a time and work on it, allow Him to transform you, (He just said to me ‘it is not merely by action, but by heart you will accomplish them’) so do this. Don’t do them all at once, but one at a time, when the one becomes a lifestyle, start the next one.
5. Give Him Thanks for He is worthy of all your Praise.
Father, what a message and a lesson. We have so much to learn on how and why You allow what You allow in our lives. Lord, would You bring not only revelation, but transformation to our lives as we Your children come to You with what we have written, and would you help us to grasp the concept that our thoughts are not Your thoughts, neither are our ways Your ways. We ask this in your precious name. Amen
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV)
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries