Welcome back to part three
I have a confession to make here !
My intention was for this to be a 3 part message, But guess the Lord had other plans and so it will now be 6 parts. For I believe this a now message, relevant and on His heart.
He is calling His appointed apostle,prophets, evangelist, pastors and teacher’s to raise up and take their offices/roles.
For He so longs and is awaiting for a fully functioning Body of Christ, with maturity and effective in all they are created by Him to be. This will only come as these roles learn how to work together in unity.
So lets recap from part one and two
I did not want to be a prophet, although the gift of prophecy was prominent in my early years of ministry, This gift did not mean I was a prophet, yet it did begin my walk into the understanding of the prophetic.
It was more than 6 years later before I had the encounter with Jesus and His appointment to be a prophet. In my early years as a prophet, I would not reveal the title, as was not sure how pastors would be with it,or take it. Yet the pastors I were mentoring or helping would introduce me as or call me out as a prophet.
Honestly I still struggle with the role because of the responsibilities. For example the Lord will ask me to speak words to people or a person that I know, which carry great weight and importance and the outcome of their choice can have incredible outcome or the opposite. This used to worry me a lot, until the Lord taught me my role is to be obedient and deliver His word, If I do not then the consequence was on me, but if I do deliver the word in the way He said then my job is done, the rest is up to the people or person who receive it. This word from the Lord took a lot of pressure off me, But did not change my heart from praying for all His words to land on good ground or be received with the right heartthrob and bear the fruit the Father indeed.
Lets continue with part three
I have noticed over the years, that His word can come direct or subtle. A good example of this is one morning a few years ago, when the Lord took me to Psalm 127:1 and told me I would be preaching that night on it.
I said Lord I have no appointment to preach tonight, He was silent. I was planning to go to a church that invited people off the streets, feed them and had a service that night.
When I arrived I met a friend on the sound desk and we organised a catch up lunch the next day. Then went, found a space and lay on the ground worshiping. I did notice my friend talking to the pastor but thought nothing of it. Then the pastor got up and introduced me to preach/ speak.
I shared the word the Lord gave me and noticed a sense of awe, so prayed and went to my seat.
The next day as I came into the church to meet my friend for lunch, I was met by a big man surrounded by people. He came up to me and said I have heard about you? I commented was it good or bad? Since I was unsure how to answer his comment. He said do you know how important the word you brought last night was? I said I knew it was relevant as the Lord had asked me to bring it and by the face of the pastor when I shared it. He said “we have just received 5 million dollars to rebuild our church after earthquakes destroyed it.
He continued we have the plans and were ready to start building, until you spoke last night. It was then we suddenly realised we were going to build what we previously had, which was already out of date for what the Lord was doing in our ministry. So we have had to stop everything and go to the Lord and seek Him for what He wants us to build. Thank you for your obedience!
Let’s finish there today ! Next time I will share about How not all of His words passed on to others, have been received and obeyed. This has brought about great cost in many area of life and ministry (as it was common in the bible it is still true today) .
Father I pray for all your appoint and chosen, the ones You have called out. Strengthen them, protect them and bless them, I ask in the name of Jesus Amen.
For those of you, who want to place an offering at the alter or plant a finical seed in the fertile ground of the Lord. Maybe you could contribute in someway towards His House, we are currently building. To equip the saints for ministry, then release His word through them, in a variety of ways.
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries