Welcome back to our series of –How to Give and Receive Blessings, Part 4.
We left with this thought, in order to truly receive these blessings it takes a heart to see this. The challenge was around seeing if our hearts are fully surrendered in all areas and where God wants to highlight that we have work in being yielded to do, and He invites us to freely meet Him there.
Today we start with this testimony:
Years ago I had a friend/ client who had this strange trait where he would offer to help by doing a job or task for me, then a week later would send a bill for the work done. I could not figure this In my head his motives, as he was an amazing, honest, reliable Godly man.
My mind concluded he may have a challenge with giving, possibly through a past experience or situation, in that maybe he wanted to give but simply did not have the means to do so, and when situations changed he was forced to change his mind. Either way I felt to honour him for who he was and walk with him and await the day and way I could help him.
One day he had a problem with his car, he asked me to look at it, I did and he asked if I would fix it. Through the journey of fixing the car, I felt the Lord say not to charge him. So I obeyed Him. I told the guy that I was not going to charge him for the job and depart. Over the following weeks I received many emails, texts and phone calls asking for the bill.
How was giving a blessing that the Lord had told me too. A gift of time and parts. The guy was ok when I told him about not charging him at the job, Yet now wanted an invoice or bill for the work I had done.
Revelation and my aha came as I understood this man didn’t have a challenge with giving, his challenge was with receiving. For if we don’t know how to receive we will find it hard or a challenge to freely give.
Wow! How many times do we reject or not receive the fullness of a blessing provided by another or even by the Lord, because our heart is not fully open to receive it. Selah here!
If you want to know take a quick look at Trade me straight after Christmas , that revealed this: the number of unwanted presents listed is phenomenal. Some interesting studies would be to ask each person ‘why’ they are selling a gift given to them? and ask the one who brought the gift ‘why’ they choose this gift for this person?
And was the gift bought, given or received in Love, without expectation?
The answers to these questions we may never know, yet could provide a way to explain why so many people are selling Christmas gifts within hours or days after receiving them. Yet, the one thing I believe we can conclude related so to fascinating word ‘Worth’
The value or worth you put on anything will determine how we treat it and what we do with it.
When you receive a gift or blessing where is your worth or what values are set?
Challenge Time: Pause to maybe reflect on this question,
1. Lord show me how You see worth and value in a gift, a person, and a blessing?
2. Then follow with, this prayer, Father God how do I see worth or value in …….. ?
3. Continue with Father, how do You see worth and value in …………?
4. Now you have a choice, a chance or an invitation in front of you. Romans 12:2 moment
5. If you want to say a prayer like Father I give you…. and choose to lay down my thoughts and ideas of ……………..(say what the worth or value is) in exchange I choose to pick up how You see it. Amen
Next time I will wrap up and conclude this series.
Father please help us to be transformed, by the renewing of our hearts and minds into Your likeness of receiving through unconditional Love. In Jesus name. Amen
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries