How do we, renew our minds and change how we think ?-Part One

Over the past month, we have been looking and exploring, a prophetic word for 2025,  That the   Lord kindly gave to me, to pass on to others (A year of remarkable opportunities). Also practical applications, on how to recognise and step in to. The remarkable opportunities, when they come our way.  If you have not read these messages, it would be worth doing so. Here is a link  to part one of ‘A year of remarkable opportunities’

Today I would like to share a message that relates to me personally. Also  majority of those I have the privilege to coach, mentor and pray for on a daily basis. If I were to name the main thing, that will stop people. From stepping in to the remarkable opportunities, God provides for them. It  would  be our ‘own minds’. 

It does not matter,  how  prominent, anointed, gifted or how big one’s ministry and influence is. Everyone’s minds receive similar and  even the same kinds of thoughts. From the enemy, others and invitations  from God .  Add to this our own personal life experiences, which include both victories and failures. Also what we have seen happen, in other peoples lives. Through the media or  ones we love and know. Then on top of all this, words that have been spoken over us, both good and bad. 

Now that’s a lot of stuff, all trying to contend for its rightful place, in your mind. 

It is said that the average person has between 6.5 and 48.6 thoughts per minute, depending on the study. This amounts to roughly 6,200 to 70,000 thoughts per day. No wonder  we have so many confused people in the world.  That’s a seriously complicated equation going on in all  our minds,  right now ! 

But there are other problems our mind are faces too. Building  one’s values, ethic  and principles, that we believe in, act and live  from.  Constantly weighing these things, together with what the culture of the world is saying,  satan is saying and what the truth from God is.  If you look at what is happening in every mind of every person from this prospective.  It suddenly becomes clear why so many people are struggling mentally, emotionally, questioning their gender, sexuality and identity.  

I remember I a guy coming up to me many years ago.  I could see he was struggling with something. I asked him, how I could help him.  He explain very shamefully to me , that  he  was struggling with unpleasant sexual thoughts ! I looked straight into his eyes   and  said “I often do too”. He was so shock and surprised. That a pastor was having  unclean thoughts ! I said “of  course I do, as I am a man, flesh  and blood, just like you.  But I said “what does the bible say about thoughts. It says, to take  every thought captive” !(2 Corinthians 10:5) “So I do this, then I sift and reject the thoughts  that don’t align with the nature of God”.  If you would like more help, on how to ‘take all thoughts captive’.  Below  is a link to a message.  I had the privilege  to partner with God and write on this subject a while ago.

For those that have learnt to overcome in the area of taking every thought captive. There is another step awaiting for you ! It’s seen in  Roman’s 12:2. 

Let’s read it ! 

Romans 12:2 (TPT)

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

Did you see it ! 

……but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. 

This  is an invitation to received the mind of Christ !

But wait  there is more ! 

………This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

So when we choose to  allow the Holly Spirit, to  inwardly transform  us and bring a  total reformation to how we think. Our eyes and heart will be open, to  see and discern .  What the will of God is, for any situation, we will face. We get to see through  Jesus eyes and think like Him. Straight from  the revelation of the Kingdom.  

I believe this very thing, apart from salvation, is the next most powerful invitation and promise we can ever receive.  In fact I believe this is the way, we are called, to outwork our salvation. Opening the door  straight into the throne room. Where we will rule and reign  with Jesus ! 

I think this is enough for today. 

In our next message we will explore this remarkable invitation and promise further.  

Challenge Time 

  1. Find some free time, without any distractions. Start praising Him and Loving on Him, in worship.
  2. Now if you want to accept this invitation from the Lord. To be  inwardly transformed by  the Holly Spirit,  which will  bring a  total reformation of how you think. Say a prayer like: Today  Holy Spirit I give you permission, to inwardly transform  me and bring a  total reformation to   how I  think from this moment forward. I thank you Father, Thank you Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit Amen   (Write in your   prayer journal or bible the time and date you prayed this prayer )
  3. Now  I want you to stop, be still and silent. Just wait to feel His breath and for Him to speak. Write down what He says or reveals to you.
  4. Lastly send sometime  showing your gratitude by giving Him Thanks 

Thank you Father for the promised,. Thank you  Holy Spirit  for the process and protection. Lastly Jesus thank you for your sacrifice of your life.  That allowed for all this to be possible for me today and forever.  To you be the glory, for ever and ever amen 

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