Welcome back to the conclusion of this series, we pray that you have been challenged, equipped and encouraged to release the losses that actually have been allowed by God!
In this series we’ve amen to:
He and His plan is perfect,
He is good and even when it comes to loss
He is working it for our good no matter what the loss is!
“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose”. TPT
Today I want to talk about Loss of a Loved one
Everyone is different and handles it differently when it comes to loss of loved ones. As I said in part 1, I have meet incredible people who have lost ones like, fathers, husbands, wives, children and they have been like David was with his first child who died.
“He prayed, fasted and wept, but when the child died he got up and had a meal and got back on with life” (2 Samuel 12)
2 Samuel 12: 1
“Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. Then he went to his own house, and at his request they served him food, and he ate”.
In sitting with these remarkable individuals what intrigued me most was the PEACE they had through their journey of loss! They had managed to truly walk closer to God in this moment. In talking with them, they just knew in their heart that it was part of God’s perfect plan and that He is good and fair. Their loss was replaced with His Love, and that Love had proved them a way of escape from distraction, destruction where they had come out victorious as one of my favourite scriptures says
1 Corinthians 10:13
“We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously”.
Yet other people have been left with questions like: what if it was not their appointed time to die?
As the scriptures say
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2) THROUGH the bible we see RESURRECTIONS of ones who died before it was time!
In 2009 I experienced a sheep which had been dead for three days Resurrected through Simple Prayer. In 2011 I personally experienced Resurrection with a niece that died in Samoa. I was in the shower and my wife yelled for me to come. I ran out and there was the father (her step brother) holding his 3 month old daughter in his arms. I approached and said give me the baby which he did. I remember thinking what do I do now with the dead baby in my arms? I felt to put the lifeless tiny body on the mattress on the floor. As I leant over the baby, I felt to breathe on the body and realised at that exact moment that the breath from my mouth was not mine (one of those moment where my head could not understand what had just happened) AND at that exact moment their baby girl came back to life, rolled over and started giggling. Hallelujah Jesus!
Yet I have experienced when Resurrection has not happened that have believed for!
One morning I was rung by a father who told me his daughter had passed away overnight and asked if I would come with him and pray for resurrection! (For he knew I had witnessed resurrection of a child and sheep through the Lord’s Love) I agreed and off we went to the hospital and morgue. Where we prayed, declared, believed and saw full colour comeback into his daughter’s body and even warmth, yet no breath. The father said should I lie on her like Elijah did?. I said why not. Still no breath! All this happened in between the morgue and main corridors of the hospital with a lady watching us and people regularly passing to enter the morgue.
But because the Father had asked, His wishes were accommodated (Food for thought for anyone that feels to do this with a loved one)
This father felt like David, we had done all we could and I inwardly felt he was right so we left the hospital with many questions. Only to find The Lord answered the biggest question through a dream of the father’s other daughter, where the Lord showed her that although He had provided a way for her to be resurrected which we saw in colour and warmth the choice was hers (freewill). When she chose not to come back He granted it and never provided the for LIFE that He provided in the previous two resurrections.
Why I’m sharing this is because yesterday we celebrated Jesus’s resurrection, His death providing the way for payment of sin through His blood. His resurrection providing reconciliation with a loving Father, a personal relationship with God and an invitation to life in abundance on earth and place in heaven when we die for those who choose to receive this incredible reward.
In conclusion when it comes to loss we only see a part of the picture which the Lord has painted for us or even the person who the loss relates to too! BUT if we ask Him He may and often will allow us to see with clarity His bigger plans! I believe this is the best place to start the journey from mourning/ grieving to celebrating/dancing (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Father we ask for those who have or are experiencing loss of any kind, that the mourning/ grieving season will be totally fulfilled, and their minds become transformed as they walk closer to You through Your Love into the season of celebration and dancing for only the fond and special memories remain. Yet most of all thank you for the incredible reward and invitation we have been given through the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, Amen
Today we want to offer this invitation from Heaven, here it is if you want it, the gift of LIFE of Resurrection in and from Him.
Jesus, I admit I am a sinner but You died on the Cross for my sins. I ask You to come into my heart and my life today and that You manage my life from this day forward. I want to feel and live in Your Unconditional Love and for You to be my Saviour and Lord. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Hallelujah!! you are now in the Family of God, a dearly loved child of God, redeemed and restored son and daughter of Most High God, who delights and joys in you.
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries