Can you relate? Do you enjoy and embrace loss? If I’m honest I don’t but God is inviting us all to see there’s purpose and keys in losing and loss.
One night spending time with the Lord before going to sleep I spoke these words and this phrase to the Father, which came about from a business transaction for tools from the UK. I had prayed and believe I was led by Him to wait until the morning to transfer the funds on Monday. Funnily in the morning the rate of currency took a dip, but my wife and I felt Him say it will be better in the afternoon, and it was! So in the afternoon I transferred funds and went to bed all happy praising Him. Then the next day I noticed that the rate went even higher!
Oh my if I had of waited to transfer it then it would have saved me more right? Honestly this frustrated me and lead me back into God’s presence to ask Him “had I missed something? He said no! Hence the phrase Father I hate to lose!
He in His love as my Faithful Father, gave me the scriptures Matthew 20: 1–16 in which Jesus tells the parable of the workers in the vineyard to further explain what the Kingdom of God is like and Romans 8:28,
Two very interesting scriptures in relation to loss, whether it is loss of funds, a game, possession, a pet or a loved one, TRUTH IS that LOSS of any size does hurt and cost us!
I’m wondering are you struggling to see the similarities in LOSS between say losing money, or losing a game verses the loss of a loved one?
Are you wondering why and how they could ever feel the same or bring us to the same place with keys from God? Hmm.
Two stories from the Bible come to mind, Mary and Martha and the death of Lazarus their brother, and Jesus’ natural father Joseph dying.
Yet when we look at both of these situations we will see the Father had a BIGGER PLAN AND BIGGER REWARD, one that would reveal Himself and bring Him glory!
Lazarus was raised from the dead and Jesus left the home of Joseph and Mary to make his own why in life. Can you see it? Loss is not a mistake it’s an invitation! It is a way the Father in his kindness and love provides for promotion and to reveal Himself. Let’s remember with all things that bring growth there is pain and change in a season! Ecclesiastes 3 shows us many contrasts one being from grieving to celebration, which can be long or short process, depending on your knowledge and relationship with the Father and how much you are keeping in your heart.Yes, again it comes back to our heart and what’s in our heart.
For when our heart is filled with big, bad and ugly thoughts like bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness or simply with fear of the unknown, fear of change or the uncertainty loss brings. Then it’s more of a challenge to see how God sees the situation and get into the posture of living open handed in worship and celebration that He is Good no matter what.
Here we need to pause and state that everyone processes loss differently, how we process is in relation to how God created us.
I know this next part will hit hearts as many of you are processing grief, loss and harbouring things in your hearts. Please continue reading knowing the comfort and presence of the Holy Spirit within you.
In life I have meet many incredible people who have lost very close loved ones, be it fathers, spouses, children, and they each have chosen to be like David with his first child who died (2 Samuel 12 ). What did David do?
David prayed, fasted and wept until the child died! But when the child died he got up, worshipped God, had a meal and got back on with life!
2 Samuel 12:1
“Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. Then he went to his own house, and at his request they served him food, and he ate”.
Wow, would you, and I do this? Selah here with Holy Spirit.
Our Takeaway through this is:
Loss is an Invitation, but only if we choose to see it that way, and choose His eyes!
KEY: His plan is perfect, He is good and even when it comes to loss He is working it for our good.
Romans 8:28-29 (TPT)
“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose. For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning”……..
We will continue next time, that God is Fair and Faithful in Loss.
Challenge/ Reflection time: Grab your journal and be with the Lord to record all He shares with you. We are praying for and with you, and you are not alone. He is within you and beside you.
- God do I hate to lose and hate loss? Why is that? What lie am I believing?
- God is there any loss You are inviting me to hand over today to You?
- God would You search my heart and reveal to remove any ugliness, yuckiness, harboured stuff, that is not of You, or for this season I am in with You?
Father God, we thank You that as we are honest and vulnerable with You about losing that You speak truth and give us keys to move forward in You for nothing surprises You. You know, have and will reveal the BIGGER PLAN AND BIGGER REWARD, which always reveals Yourself and brings You glory. In Jesus name. Amen.
For those of you, who want to place an offering at the alter or plant a finical seed in the fertile ground of the Lord. Maybe you could contribute in someway towards His House, we are currently building. To equip the saints for ministry, then release His word through them, in a variety of ways.
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries