ARE YOU OPEN TO RECEIVE a Word in Season, Directions or New Ideas or Initiatives FROM THOSE AROUND YOU, regardless of their title, status, role or who they are?
One of my greatest delights in life and as a minister of Christ is seeing the Body of Christ come together and start moving and functioning as one. Over the years I have witnessed countless ministries, families and businesses destroyed by the head not being willing to hear a word from the hand, foot or finger.
What I mean by this is a father not willing to listen to a word of protection from a wife or child, a boss not willing to listen to an idea or new direction from an employee, a senior Pastor or Pastor simply not open to hearing a word from God from a non-member of the church or even one of their own members. Selah there with God.
We see in the bible that the Lord very often chooses to speak through the most unlikely source, remember the donkey that saved a man’s life? So as Head of Ministries, families or businesses we need to be open to hear and test every word, idea, direction etc that comes from others. So we are always honouring anywhere, person, creature.
Over lockdown I have been watching a program Plane Crash Investigations, where investigators try and figure out why a plane crashed, but what struck me was the number of planes that have crashed because the Captains would not listen to the co-pilot or flight engineer. On many occasions the flight engineers or co-pilot felt they did not have a voice or a say in the cockpit , even cabin crew or passengers felt the same, even if they saw anything out of ordinary, like the way the plane flew or something on the plane that seemed wrong , and it was found that could have avoided the crashes.
The crash investigators wrote reports on this and recommended that implementations be made that all Captains must listen to the co-pilots and engineers, and it is to be made clear that all co pilots, flight engineers can and need to use their voice when seeing something wrong and can even on take over the flying on the plane, and all information from the cabin crew and passengers must be checked out by flight crew. I wonder how this applies for our homes, workplace or ministries?
Through the bible we see that the Lord uses the most unlikely in the most extraordinary ways, those that He taught not by conventional methods. These exceptional people were hand crafted by God with a word in their heart. But many in fact most, faced extreme circumstances and situation of leaders, rulers, fathers, friends, priests, simply not receiving the word they had. All because they did not have the education, statue, title, role or position in which to share such thoughts or information. The result was many were totally misunderstood, rejected, stoned and killed. Now we may not be so extreme today with stoning, But do we still do the same today to those around us?
Will we listen to and consider a new way the Lord is speaking or an alternative direction the Lord is directing us, even if it comes from an uncommon person He is choosing to use?
I know for myself it is often not an easy ask to take a word that can be in conflict with everything I know, especially if it has come from a person outside of my normal confidence, consideration, to contemplate it without judgement which will cloud my direction or discernment. But I am so glad that on so many occasions I have. For these words have brought protection, provision and direction in my role has a prophet and minister of Christ.
Here are few of the unusual ways the Lord tried to speak to His people and who He used.
A donkey
A burning bush
A Shepperd boys
Can you think of others ?
Challenge: Grab some space, your journal and be with the Lord to ask Him these questions.
1. Lord would You bring to mind and show me who I have not heeded a word from You from, because they were the least likely?2. Lord now would you help me reach out and askforgiveness to them, for not honouring them and receiving your word?
3. Lord would You quicken my ear, and heart to receive Your message no matter what the package looks like?
4. Lord if there any words on the shelf, would You remind me of them and breathe on them Holy Spirit.
5. Worship Time – God is Worthy of all our Praise and Adoration. He is Holy.
Father, we thank Your ways are not our ways and, Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We ask Holy Spirit for any word we receive through unlikely packages we would hold it up to You, test it and honour the person as Your messenger and as we do so repentance and honour would be re-established in the Body of Christ. In Jesus name. Amen.
For those of you, who want to place an offering at the alter or plant a finical seed in the fertile ground of the Lord. Maybe you could contribute in someway towards His House, we are currently building. To equip the saints for ministry, then release His word through them, in a variety of ways.
Below is a link to a secure website, so you can do this safely online.
Or our bank account details for New Zealand memebers,
Encounter Centre – 03-0481-0007448-000
If you require a receipt for tax purposes please email to
Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries