In late 2019, through a serious illness I was physically and mentally out of action for over 6 months. But the Lord healed me, then asked me, to write His word and release it in a relevant, easily understood way to His followers. It was to share what was on His heart, according to the topics and questions being asked, by His children. This was an impossible task as I was dyslexic and couldn’t write anything that could be understood; not even by my wife! But I did as the Lord asked me and started to write and send the messages out by text. This presented a problem as the word counts were too high for many receiving these text’s! The Lord directed me to a close friend for advice who in turn setup a WordPress website. From April 2020 we started sending out WordPress messages. To ensure continuity we provided links to this via text, email and other message applications and also setup a facebook page.
My high volume demands for editing were wearing out our team. He led me to a young Christian lady who was a primary school teacher. She had just stopped teaching and was asking the Lord to be used by Him. My text to her arrived at that exact time! She said yes and started editing the messages that have been released every week, at times, more frequently over lockdown for Covid.
More challenges and difficulties cropped up. For example titles or topics covered in our papers, would surface when searched on Google or other browsers from all around the world. Overseas editors started asking us if they could publish our messages. Also questions and comments were coming in, in different languages!
Once again the Lord led us to a solution. An amazing man setup the provision for all messages in 13 different languages. More recently we were able to add a ‘listen button’ to the top of each message. This allows for those travelling or who prefer to have it read and listen in audio. Note , We are also moving towards adding more languages.
From early on in posting messages in 2020, increasingly we were being asked by followers if they could have our account details, So they could contribute to the ministry . This was great as we required additional funds to pay our way; editing, overheads and general running costs. We thank all those that have generously contributed, enabling us to continue bringing His Word.
The Power of Bold Faith (Passion). In my heart I kept the fullness of the dream like Mary (Luke 2:19), meditated,and pondered what it would look like and who would be a part of it, as did all our team in their own way. We often exchanged leadings but the gestation has been long and we have lost members on the way. Of our original six none had anticipated it taking so long but here we are now, three in number (four with the Lord).
Over this 6 year period we waited, with countless setbacks and struggles. However we were obedient to His leading and started individually contributing to a building fund. Others,, without knowing the specific nature of the call contributed out of their hearts to the ministry (thank you for your faith).
Then after 6 long years the Lord started to show me that He was building our premises. Every morning as I awoke He would show me another part of this incredible centre being built to equip the Saints for ministry in their chosen fields; be it family or marketplace (according to His call). He also showed me key people pulling up their anchors, selling possessions and laying down their lives to be part of the centre! He finished, and gave me ‘the word’ from our call at the very beginning in 2016, (John 1:1) ‘all things were created through, Jesus’. The full vision was now clearly seen.
Build a community led by the ones that need to be led ‘by JESUS’!
Then the Lord led us to the physical building of many visions – Wow! This building was built in 2016 and had been fitted out by a tenant company and was finished with council approval at the end of 2021. Sadly the business never opened and the building was placed on the market for rental again.
The Lord led us to see it in September 2022 and we started praying obtain it. In the mean time I had been through a sickness that almost killed me, broke my marriage and destroyed relationships with our team. Yet the Lord stepped in and healed me and repaired relationships. Which we will cover more in the next part of this remarkable message, also the incredible breakthrough ahead.
Before our application day I want to share one of my favourite verse
The Way of Escape
1 Corinthians 10:13
We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously.
Here is your Challenge today !
1. Take a moment with the Lord reflection,meditating on the dreams He has put in your heart. If you have not written them down, write them down. If you can no longer remember a dream or think I don’t have a dream, ask the Lord to reveal His dreams for you to you ! Say a prayer like, Father I ask please reveal to me, the dreams that are on Your heart for me. That are inline with the plans and purposes for Your will to be realise through me amen. Wait on Him, write down what He says as descriptively as you are able.
2. Write down all of the times the Father has provide for you in through a miracle, healing or provision.
3. Give Him Thanks and praise Him for all He has done.
4 Now you are equipped to start looking at your challenges. Those things that sit between you and these dreams become reality. So list this obstacles or mountains.
5. Now it is time to combine all of the above in faith, Praying from how good the Lord is, towards His goodness continuing, seeing the impossible be come reality as you have read above in our story.
6. So now lets adapted the above scripture, so these challenges become the runway of FAITH (How good He is) to His plans, purposes and will be revealed through you. So here is a prayer to pray or adapted as needed to apply to your situation.
Father I know these experiences, times of testing, are normal for every human being. But I know you have always been and continue to be faithful to me. I know you have screened and filtered the severity, nature, timing of every test or trial. So that I will I can bear it. I thank You for your promise, each one of these tests are opportunities to trust You more. I choose to stand firth in faith and believe along with every trial You have provided for me a way of escape. Also that You will bring me out of them victoriously. That You have already provided all provision for me to see all the dreams, plans and purposes ( Your will). That their maybe revealed through me to Your glory. Amen . May my life be a living sacrifice to You ! Amen
7. Time to give Him thanks
Father l;et it be according to your word ! I choice today to stand beside Your remarkably gifted children, Jesus I know You are call them to enjoy in Your Fathers happiest. Holy Spirit I pray that you will re cloth them with a even greater power from the most high. I thank You for what you about to release, restore and provide. So Lord that every dream reveal to Your children would be seen and rejoiced in Amen
For those of you, who want to place an offering at the alter or plant a finical seed in the fertile ground of the Lord. Maybe you could contribute in someway towards His House, we are currently building. To equip the saints for ministry, then release His word through them, in a variety of ways.
Below is a link to a secure website, so you can do this safely online.
Or our bank account details for New Zealand memebers,
Encounter Centre – 03-0481-0007448-000
If you require a receipt for tax purposes please email to info@encounterministries.org.nz
Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries