Why is it that in these times, when we have so many gadgets and time saving devices available to us that I’m still hearing Godly people complaining that they have limited time; the, ‘I just don’t have time’, complaint ?
I have learnt not to allow time to restrict anything He calls me to do, for time is in His Hand. Have you heard of the ‘serenity prayer’ ? It’s a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. It is commonly quoted as follows : ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’
This amazing prayer was originally published in 1951. Sadly, I feel this amazing revelation has been lost over time to a generation that desperately needs to understand and walk in it !
I love forward thinkers, dreamers, apostles and prophets who can foretell the future through God’s leadings and initiatives (ways). But although we own the future according to 1:Cor 3:22 we are not meant to live there but to live in the present !
Just as living in the past can restrict us, so too can trying to live in the future. I know because I’ve tried to do that for years. It eventually took it’s toll, wore me out and rendered me ineffective ! This is where I learnt to truly live in the present and allow the present to reveal the way to the future with the Lords leading (the ‘present’ is meant to prophesy your future ).
I have countless testimonies of what should have taken hours or days, done and completed in minutes.I vividly remember one example of this when I was a new Christian. I was working with cars and on one particular day I remember I had 5 customers to visit, all with major issues with their cars. When I arrived at the first customer he explained the problem and tried to demonstrate the issue but to both our dismay there was no fault, it worked perfectly ! After several times trying, we agreed I would comeback when it happened again. I continued to the next customer and the same thing happened ; the customer couldn’t duplicate the faults ! The third customer had a list of many problems and once again couldn’t find any while I was present. In fact all 5 customers could not demonstrate any of the faults with their cars ! I brushed off these experiences and justified them with the thought that maybe they are intermittent faults. That night at a home group we had just joined, the leader asked if anyone had any testimonies of what God had done. I couldn’t think of any so sat in silence. Then God spoke to me ; “What about the car’s. Do you really think they fixed themselves ?” This blew me away as I was only just learning to hear from Him. So as I share this testimony about my day, now over 15yrs ago, I have never had a call from any of those customers about those faults ! That testimony increase’s every day and show’s His glory more and more.
After all the Lord is outside of time and as He is, then so are we, for the scripture say’s we are seated in heavenly places ; outside of time ! (Eph. 2:6)
In John 17:15-16Jesus prays this remarkable prayer for you and me.He asks the Father to place us in the world, but not to be of it (effected by it). This chapter holds so much in so many directions, but for this teaching it simply relates to time. Declaration :
I declare that you, like me will not be a slave to time but it will be a helper and worker for you.
Ephesians 4:7 (Passion)
And he has generously given each one of us supernatural grace, according to the size of the gift of Christ.
As I was writing this message the Lord spoke to me. He said ; ‘Craig do you know my grace is like mana ? I give enough for a day and no more’ !
So here is your challenge today
1. Ask the Lord how time is restricting you ? Write down all the areas He shows you.2. Personalise the ‘serenity prayer’ above for you, may it be in your words with His leadings from step 1.3. Pray this prayer daily, until it is no longer out of obligation but is lifestyle. 4. Before you get up every morning allow the Lord to fill you with His grace and identify the thing He wants you to work on for that day. Ask Him and He will show you (Matthew 7:7).5. Take the ‘declaration’ above and personalise it for yourself.6. Declare this daily. Telling the time stealer (the enemy); enough, no more ! Building your spiritual muscle to fight worldly concept’s of time.7. Give thanks for all the Lord has revealed and taught you today !
Father I thank You for all You have shown me around time. That I may pass it on to equip Your children to be more effective in their lives and ministries and in Your eyes are, as one with You.
Craig and Winnie Patten
Itinerate Pastor/ Prophet
Encounter Ministries
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
What you question ?