Do you pray? Who do you direct your prayers to? Who do you encounter or seek most out of the Trinity? God in 3 persons- Blessed Trinity the song says. Do you pray to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Or just one of them? Would your prayers be more successful and hitting on point …
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Give your Testimony! Tell of what God has done in your life.
One morning as I was reading the Word this overwhelming thought and these words hit me,This will be what it will be like for those who don’t know God. My heart sunk as I pondered this statement I first thought I’ve read straight out of the bible, soon realising the Lord had allowed me to …
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Have you ever stopped and imagined, what it would have been like for Jesus, when He was resurrected?
Have you ever stopped and imagined, what it would have been like for Jesus, when He was resurrected? Imagine coming back to a place; to a world where He was once part of the most powerful moves of God that ever happened. Healing the sick, raising up men and woman of faith who had gone …
Let us celebrate Good Friday and take our burdens to the Cross!
As we are celebrating Good Friday, which sounds almost like an oxymoron, for we celebrate Christ being crucified on the Cross. And yes the celebration comes because we know the reason He allowed it to happen to Him and also what He took on Himself while being hung on the Cross. The scriptures say “This …
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Why do bad things happen to good people? Part 2
Welcome back, last time we started in Job and saw Job had all, lost all, and in the end through praying for others, God restored double what Job had lost. The key is this: Our Lord is in control, continually shaping, grafting and pruning humanity including His children to create a way through Him, His Son’ssacrifice …
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Why do Bad things happen to Good people? Part 1
This one question was been asked by countless people worldwide for centuries, many have tried to explain or bring understanding and maybe even you have tried too. Be aware through this that you don’t lead people astray. For there are mysteries in God our human mind simplycannot comprehend, if we allow reasoning to raise up …
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The silent killer and destroyer of God’s Plans and Purpose over our lives – Part Two
Last time we saw 2 weapons of the enemy in the Proverb 1:32, are WAYWARDNESS & COMPLACENCY the enemy is using to steal from God, yet we also saw 2 ways out of them in these verses: “So, in Christ, our sins have been forgiven and there is no condemnation”. And but whoever listens to Me …
The silent killer and destroyer of God’s Plans and Purpose over our lives-Part One
The Lord directed me to Proverbs 1 one afternoon this chapter gives context by Solomon to what this book Proverbs is about and the importance of it. Let’s read verses 2-6 as these capsules what is described and expanded through the rest of this remarkable chapter. Proverbs 1:2-6 (NIV) “for gaining wisdom and instruction; for …
How do we sustain and not stop a move of God ?
You may have read my last message about an amazing move of God/ revival moving down from Northland/Auckland which my wife and I have had the privilege to revive, plant and build committees by His direction for 8 different ministries in the last few month, with more planned over the coming months. Here’s my question …
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Revival is here New Zealand
Hi amazing people of God ! We are in the middle of rivival. How do I know this ? well in the last 3 months my wife and I backed by our committee of FGBMFI in Mahurangi. Have help with through the Lord presence and directions revival,plant or prepare to plant 8 different ministries. I …