What is the difference between expectation and expectancy?

As I was resting yesterday afternoon, the Lord spoke to me and placed an interesting question on my heart. What is the difference between an expectation and expectancy? God showed me that expectation will lead us to a place of frustration. Whereas expectancy will lead us into encounters of His presence. Let’s look at the meaning …

Building For Future Generations.

Today we celebrate Anzac Day, honouring the men and woman who laid down their lives for future generations. They enlisted, went to war not knowing what they were about to face and it was due to their sacrifice we benefit today. If we look through the bible we see lives laid down for future generations …

Why Sometimes The Lord is Silent

Yesterday I was spending time with the Lord in prayer during the morning and through the day I heard nothing. Even during the afternoon and even in prayer I heard not a word from Him. I have learnt from past experiences when we are not hearing from God that it’s normally that we’re not doing …

It’s better to try and fail than never try at all

As I was meditating and praying this morning, a phrase came into my spirit. ‘It’s better to try and fail than never try at all’. This phrase is the title of a poem by William F O’Brien below; Some say risk nothing, try only for the sure thing,Others say nothing gambled nothing gained,Go all out …