Let’s recap part 1 The topic continues ‘Indeed, my Father will do nothing, either great or small without first telling me !’. Why is it that life often seems like we’re walking blind through it? I believe it comes down to learning to understand how the Lord speaks and reveals these precious gems of what …
Author Archives: admin
Indeed, my Father will do nothing, either great or small without first telling me ! Pt 1
Over last few weeks I sat with the Lord reading His word, and He took me to the story of David (1 Samuel 20), where David is sharing with Johnathon about Saul’s urge to kill him. I read this verse again and again, for it was like the Lord saying “Do you see what I see and what I am …
Building His House
Morning amazing children of God ! Below are photos of the main building beginning to be established and built. Thank you so much for your prayers and finical provision to date that have made this incredible project possible. I put up there photo’s so you can pray over this project as it is being built …
From His goodness to His provision
One afternoon as I was preparing for an evening meeting of FGBMFI (Full gospel men fellowship) . The Lord led me to a remarkable scripture, that over the next few days I watched begin to unpack and become vital to inspiring, encouraging and bringing transformation to many lives everywhere I went. I’m praying that as we unpack this …
A New Era in Ministry! Part Three
His first instruction was to use an amazing ministry I was privileged to lead in our community for ten years. It was the local branch of ‘Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International’. The Lord asked me to do two things through my wife and members of our local chapter: 1. Plant chapters 2. Run a …
A New Era in Ministry! Part Two
In late 2019, through a serious illness I was physically and mentally out of action for over 6 months. But the Lord healed me, then asked me, to write His word and release it in a relevant, easily understood way to His followers. It was to share what was on His heart, according to the …
A New Era in Ministry! Part One
In 2016 the Lord revealed in a dream a ministry He was preparing for us to be part of; ‘to build a community led by the ones that need to be led’. This was an unusual strategy! I did as Mary when she heard the message from the angel, received it (let it be according …
Trinitarian Prayer?
Do you pray? Who do you direct your prayers to? Who do you encounter or seek most out of the Trinity? God in 3 persons- Blessed Trinity the song says. Do you pray to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Or just one of them? Would your prayers be more successful and hitting on point …
Give your Testimony! Tell of what God has done in your life.
One morning as I was reading the Word this overwhelming thought and these words hit me,This will be what it will be like for those who don’t know God. My heart sunk as I pondered this statement I first thought I’ve read straight out of the bible, soon realising the Lord had allowed me to …
Continue reading “Give your Testimony! Tell of what God has done in your life.”
Have you ever stopped and imagined, what it would have been like for Jesus, when He was resurrected?
Have you ever stopped and imagined, what it would have been like for Jesus, when He was resurrected? Imagine coming back to a place; to a world where He was once part of the most powerful moves of God that ever happened. Healing the sick, raising up men and woman of faith who had gone …