Why do we go through trials?

I was talking to a friend today who  mentioned something I thought was interesting. He said  “God never seems to exclude us from trials”. So I thought what a timely subject to address today insight of this season we are in. Without trials there would be no challenges, testing,opportunities, invitations or  victories. You may be …

We Love for He First Loved us

These were the words I woke up with this morning.It caught me by surprise and with interest.In this season of isolation we are in with uncertainty that can led us to place of insecurities. I believe both uncertainty and insecurity come from a place where true love is not presence or is mis understood.I once …

Is Love the motivation of Our Lives ?

Hi Guys  as I was sitting and mediating this morning, these words from apostle Paul resound in my spirit Love is patient, Love is Kind (1 Corinthians 13:4 ) .These words are powerful, have such depth and meaning in times like this. Do you know that kindness and patience are signposts to Jesus and new …

The Importance Of Being With Jesus

Psalm 136:1Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.His love endures forever.So what does endures mean1. suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. “It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain”2. remain in existence; lasting . This is what our God is and continues to be and do for us. Nothing phases Him or …