How are you preparing your heart for the day ?

When I was in the bathroom preparing myself for the day the Lord asked; “How are you preparing your heart for the day”? This was a challenging question as I had already prepared for the day with prayer, reading the word and waiting on Him ! So what was I missing ? How was I …

How are you preparing your heart for the day ?

When I was in the bathroom preparing myself for the day the Lord asked; “How are you preparing your heart for the day”? This was a challenging question as I had already prepared for the day with prayer, reading the word and waiting on Him ! So what was I missing ? How was I …

Opportunities come with choices and responsibilities.

This remarkable phrase came from the Lord to help a couple to be the best parents they could be. It all came from a leading from the Lord on how to proceed with a wonderful opportunity that had been presented to one of their children. But as I received the word above and passed it …

How to bring vision to completion

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. So what are these things, exploits and adventures the Lord has prepared for you and me ? Dreams & visions of His heart for all creation to do. These particular …

What a difference a change makes !

I feel so honoured to see what the Lord has done, crushing fires in a desperate world during a time of uncertainty, pain and isolation. We have now posted fifty life-changing messages on a new fleet of ‘vehicles’, which are viewed globally and on which we receive daily comments. If you go to Google and …