How will we see the Promises Over Our Life Come to Pass?

How will we see the promises over our life come to pass? and for them to be not only birthed, but to complete everything they were intended for? Have you ever pondered this question? Today I would like to share a leading the Lord awoke and taught me to pass onto you one morning. The Lord took …

How do we Build Kingdom Culture in ourselves, our Homes, Workplaces, and our Communities (Written By Paula Blackie)

We’re doing a series on How do we Build Kingdom Culture in ourselves, our homes, workplaces, and communities. We always start with Prayer, it needs to become our lifestyle, our go to, for as we continually plug into Holy Spirit, we hear Him and He aligns us to Him. The Lord led me to this …

How God Sees Equality-Part 6 – (Co written by Paula Blackie )

We’ve now looked at the Two legs of the Trinity, Love and Mercy and how freewill resides as we choose to see the one or situation in front of us as He does with His heart attitude of Love and Mercy for who they could be.  Today is the last leg – Justice. The dictionary says …

How God Sees Equality-Part 5 – (Co written by Paula Blackie )

Remember in the first 3 parts we saw that God intended for Equality, but does not see it how we do – it’s not based on us, but on Him and the Extravagant Grace He pours forth over us all. We looked at first leg of the Trinity – LOVE within Free will. Today the …

How does God see Equality? – Part 4 (Written By Paula Blackie)

Today we’re going to start exploring the Trinity of Love, Justice & Mercy and how Free Will flows through them because of who God is. Equality is the condition of being equal, or the same in quality, measure, esteem or value as another, especially in status, rights, or opportunities So the world says, we have the …

How does God see Equality? -Part 3 –

Let’s quickly recap parts 1 and 2 that the Lord intended for Equality! Yes, it was in His original blueprint design, but equality flows from His heart and is His heart. For Father’s heart is always towards us, and for us, that we may know Him, ourselves and others in the true sense of who …

How does God See Equality? -Part 2 –

Quick recap in Part 1 – we saw that the Lord is totally into Equality that He even intended for us to have it, but He sees it very differently to us. We need His Perspective. Let’s get into the Word Read on Matthew 25:14-30 ‘The “Parable of the Talents” Matthew 25:14-30 (TPT) “Again, heaven’s …

How does the Lord see Equality Part 1

Over the last few weeks I’ve been pondering,meditating, praying and spending time with God trying to understand how to bring a message around the word Equality. My heart is to do this without bringing an offence, disruption or a hurt to any people, race, gender group or nationality. Equality has become a very common buzz …