How to Give and Receive Blessings! Part 3

Welcome back to Part 3 of our series How to Give and Receive Blessings! Last time we learnt a remarkable thought and this important question to ask before giving a blessing: Am I in for what I can give or what I can get? An accountability question which evaluates our hearts to see; are we …

How to Give and Receive Blessings! Part 2

Welcome back to our Series, How to Give and Receive Blessings.    In part one we learnt that the level we receive a blessing is determined by the heart that gives it, and the love that receives it. So this incredible revelation means we need to be attentive in regularly taking account of our heart, …

How Do We Truly Give And Receive Blessings ? Part 1

The Lord Jesus has appointed me the role of Prophet, to equip the saints for their Ministries. (Eph 4:11-12) In order to help each person, clearly be able to hear His voice, trust it, walk it, and believe they have a direct line to Heaven every moment of their life for wisdom and revelation. Yet …

The Promise Was and Still is available to You, Me and to all?

Hallelujah! We are here, we’ve journeyed through to the day, time, moment of Christ’s Birth, and do we realise we have what they received! But God!! ❤️ They Received the Son of Man, Righteous Government, Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting Father, Almighty God, Prince of Peace. Wow names hold weight and awe don’t they? Do you know …

Sometimes there is no reason, but to give Him Glory

These were the words I got one morning as I inquired of the Lord for the reason for a belt of illness, I had just been through. These words first shocked me, but also brought an interest and urge to press in for the fullness of what He was saying. As I looked back over …

How do you end well so you can begin well?

How do you end well so you can begin well?Or How do you do a seamless transition ?? This question has incredible relevance to where we are or will be in the coming weeks. A time when companies, ministries, individuals, and churches are preparing for partial or full slowdown or closedown as the year draws …

What do you have in Your Hand? Part 2

The Lord over the past few week keeps taking me back to a story in the bible. Now this is simply to RE CENTRE, REFOCUS and MOVE my perspective from lack and the loss of what I can see or think to instead consider the bigger picture of Provision that holds a greater promise beside …

What Do You Have in Your Hand? Part 1

Today we start this 3 part journey to really recognise, know and celebrate what we have in our hand and the gems Holy Spirit has for us during these 3 parts. that the Lord over the past few week keeps taking me back to a story in the bible. Simply to RE CENTRE, REFOCUS and …