How does Marriage look from Heaven’s Perspective?

A True marriage is seen in the Husband washing His wife’s feet! Ooh do you like your feet washed? Have you considered washing your wife’s feet? Why or why not? And why are we talking about feet washing? In the Bible we see it in Ephesians 5:22-28 “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to …

What is the One thing the Lord has for you to do today? Part 3

Let’s recap from Part 1 and 2 Jesus’s one thing was He found what the Father was doing and where the Father was working and focused on that. As we read through the bible we find Jesus doing this again and again. Yes there were other things He did, He worked as a carpenter and …

What is the One thing the Lord has for you today? Part 2

Let’s recap with this from Part 1 Jesus one thing was He found what the Father was doing and where the Father was working and focused on that. As we read through the bible we see Jesus doing this again and again. Yes there were other things He did, He worked as a carpenter and …

What’s the ONE thing the Lord has for you today?

Have you ever thought or considered this question, unless we do and then learn how to apply this in our lives, we will constantly be led by the world, self or others, and not by God.   Did you realise that The Kingdom is focused on things we can often miss? Things we miss or …

A Man After the Lord’s Own Heart

Psalms 61:6-8 (NIV)   “Increase the days of the king’s life, his years for many generations. May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint Your love and faithfulness to protect him. Then I will ever sing in praise of Your name and fulfil my vows day after day”.   These verses are direct cry …

Do your Dreams Reveal Godly Secrets ? Part 1

Welcome to part 1 of our series of Do your Dreams Reveal Godly Secrets. In the introductory part to this series we got these gems yes “the Lord reveals His plans through dreams He speaks to us” But like with all things the Lord does, the enemy is always trying to copy or replicate to …

Dreams – Do they Reveal Godly Secrets? Intro

Dreams are an unknown for many people, Sometimes can be troubling or terrifying yet for others can be amazing. So since I really feel/care for all people, it’s time to go there and talk about dreams. Have you ever had a dream of falling of a high place, cliff or building, felt yourself falling and woken suddenly …