A couple of days ago the Lord led me to Luke 22: 7-9 (MSG)where Jesus is longing for the last Passover supper with His disciples. Then his disciples asked, ’Him where they should go and prepare for it?’ let’s continue reading from Luke 22:10-13 (MSG)
10 He said, “Keep your eyes open as you enter the city. A man carrying a water jug will meet you. Follow him home. 11 Then speak with the owner of the house: The Teacher wants to know, ‘Where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?’ 12 He will show you a spacious second-story room, swept and ready. Prepare the meal there.”13 They left, found everything just as he told them, and prepared the Passover meal.
As I read these verse the following questions and thoughts came to mind.
What was the master of the house story about?
When did he first hear from the Lord to start preparing this room?
Did he build his house with this room in mind?
To get something perfect like this room it takes time, patience and obedience.
Had his whole life been about this one moment?
To be honest, we may never know the full answer to any of the above questions.
In Luke 2:25-35 (MSG) we see a similar story with a man named Simeon. Who had been told by God, he would definitely see the Jewish Messiah before he died. When Simeon saw Jesus he took Him in his arms and praised God. Simeon spoke a prophecy about Jesus and the purpose of His Life.
Both the master of the house who prepared the upper room for Passover and Simeon had defining moments, as they both got to see their promises fulfilled. Could it be we all have defining moments like this in our own life? Something that the Lord shares with us, prepares, equips and provides for a specific moment of time?
Spend some time with the Lord asking the following questions;
1. What is my task in life?
3. What is God preparing me for?
5. What is my defining moment?
6. How can I prepare for it?
7. Ask the Lord to show you a picture of the event or moment.
8. Write down everything the Lord shows you.
9. Thank the Lord for all He has revealed to you.
I thank you for your plans and purposes in our lives,
Help us, Lord, today to see those defining moments,
you have prepared for us to fulfil
We love you Lord and give you all the glory.
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries