So He ( Jesus )said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”
Last time we looked at the first thing on Jesus’s list required to heal this boy ! ‘Prayer’
He had sat with the Father and heard His voice repeatedly, taking time to know His Father and His nature. Jesus also continually spent time with the Father, listening to His wisdom, revelation, learning about the Fathers will for His life on earth. Jesus grew so intimate with the Father, the scriptures say they became one. When this happened, it did not matter what was happening around Him or how noisey it was !
When the Father spoke, That was all JESUS heard.
When this was obeyed, the miracles happened.
So then if this was so effective in Jesus ministry. Why did Jesus also mention Fasting in the list required to heal the boy ?
Do you remember these scriptures
Matthew 9:14 and Mark 2:18-28
In both of these Scriptures Jesus is asked, why His disciples don’t fast ?
His response, with both of these accounts, is the same. As longs as the bridegroom is with them they do not need to fast (speaking about Himself as the bridegroom).
So then how is it now in our scripture, we are looking at today. Jesus is saying to the disciples this ‘one kind can come out by nothing with prayer and fasting’
Did Jesus make a mistake and not teach His disciples the importance of fasting ? No
Remember the disciples knew what fasting was and had fasted in the past, as it was part of their faith and belief they came from.Also it was a command by God as part of a yearly feast they did, which we will talk about soon.
Did the scripture say Jesus had just come out of a time of fasting, before the miracle happened. No
So why did Jesus include fasting in the list required for this miracle ?
I believe Jesus was teaching the disciples a new reason for fasting, they needed to know.
So what was this new way of fasting for ?
When I hear people saying they are fasting or going too fast. I often ask them this question.
Why are you doing that for ?
This may seem a blunt or challenging question, But there is a reason for this question, as you will soon discover.
People often will say to me, to get a breakthrough, for healing for myself or another person, more of the His power or wisdom etc
But I believe this, is not what fasting is now for
tho it was in the old Testament.
The Old Testament has only one command by God to fast, which was found in Leviticus for the Day of Atonement. Atonement meaning the action of making an amends for wrong or reparation and expiation for sin.
If you read through the old testament you will see how people would fast for guidance, justice, pleading for mercy and forgiveness. Like when Esther called a 3 day fast for Justice and Mercy. Pleading with God that He would show Mercy and protect her as she went in front of the King. Also that God would bring justice to what her people (the Jews) were facing, certain death and annihilation. Because of the decree written by Hamon.
God granted this petition, Esther gain favour with the King and hence helped save her people.
So in a nutshell, the people fasted in the Old Testament to get from God !
Whereas in the New Testament we don’t fast to get, but fast to know !
As Jesus came to paid for atonement for once and all.
For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21). Providing a way for all to approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16)
So fasting now had another and greater purpose !
We now fast to know Him more ! A way of dying to ourselves through sacrificing or going without food etc.
So we may know Him more ! Like John the Baptist’s message ‘He must increase, but I must decrease’ (John 3:30).
We become less about ourselves, our focus and worth and become more about Him (Jesus)
Jesus shared that fasting was no-longer for corporate confessions. But personally done out of a heart of conviction, to know him and meet with Him personally. In the secret place.
Matthew 6:17-18
But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
This is why Jesus said the disciples did not need to fast, while He was with them. As they were getting to know Jesus (The Lord) in person, which was overall the new reason for fasting from that moment forward.
So why does Jesus include fasting in the list required for this miracle to happen or to cast out this demon.
Here is a question.
When did Jesus fast ?
There is one account where the scriptures say he did !
At the beginning of His ministry In the desert for 40 days and 40 night. Where He was tempted by satan.
It says the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert or wilderness ! (Matthew 4:1 ) So two went in and a marriage was made over that 40 days and 40 nights. As the scriptures say Jesus came out empowered or fulled with the Holy Spirit. (Luke 4:14)
Remember the bible says who knows the ways of God but the spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:11) which is the Holy Spirit.
So in this time of fasting, Jesus learnt to die to himself and know the Father’s ways and voice clearly through His Spirit.
In other words He got to know the Spirit of God, so well as a man,He becomes one with Him. He discovered who He was as a man and the one who He could trust in fully. I believe every word Jesus spoke, to overcome every temptation by Satan in the desert. Were straight from the Father, through His Spirit (The Holy Spirit ). The Father had not abandoned Him, but sent one with Him, who could empower Him to overcome every temptation. But through this process Jesus developed a trust, a faith and an absolute understanding of how Good the Father was. Through this the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) became one with Jesus.
For us the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus and then through Jesus, we get to see the Father face to face.
Can you see now why fasting was such a key in seeing this miracle ! Fasting was where it all started for Jesus and Prayer is how it grew in strength daily. As both Prayer and fasting developed the Character of Jesus, as it will also developed the Character Christ in us !
So through Christ, the Father can release the spirit without measure and we can see His power and miracle released through us !
So where to from here ?
Challenge Time
For today’s challenge, ask the Lord which part needs more attention prayer or fasting ?
Now you have your challenge.
Holy Spirit thank you for allowing us to see Jesus more clearly every day !
Jesus thank you so much, for this message. How you have laid down an incredible pathway through You, so we can meet the Father.
Father thank you for believing in us and loving us so much, that you would lay down Your Son for us ! We are eternal grateful for this Amen
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre and Ministries