Just recently I was asked to speak and bring a message at a New Year’s Eve service, on the 31st 2023. As I sat with Him regarding this and asked Him what He wanted me to share. He revealed to me a remarkable message and invitation. That I believe is what He wants to partner with His children with and see in 2024 .
I have had several since this meeting ask or inquire about a copy of this message. So I would like to share this message with you.
My prayer is that you will see and experience the fullness of all He wants to reveal to you personally, as we journey through this message. Also that your 2024, will be one of the best and most amazing years you have ever had. Fulled with encounters of Him that are more than you could imagine or dream. I will break it in to 3 parts each with a challenge and a prayer.
So let’s get started. I believe right now you are standing in a monumental moment of time. What is a monumental moment ? A monumental moment, is a moment in time, that will define every moment forward. A moment like no other, that will change the course of history forever.
As we look through the bible we see so many monumental moments. Like Moses holding out his staff and crossing the Red Sea. Leading the Israelites to freedom (Exodus 14:5-29). Another monumental moment is Joshua leading the people through the Jordon into the promise land (Joshua 3). Others Mary conceiving Jesus ( Luke 1:30-38) or Giving Birth to Jesus , His death on the cross and resurrection .
Each one of these monumental moments, changed history as we know it. But I believe you are standing in one of these monumental moments right now !
Here is a question I would Like you to think about.
How was your 2023 year ? Was it a year filled with incredible blessings, favour and provision ? or was it a year of great loss and pain ? Or a mixture of both.
All of these types of years and what has happened in them. Can and will define your 2024. It just depends what we do with them, which will determine how or the outcome from it.
Yes both, even if you had an amazing year. You only have to look at the statistics. To see how incredible increase through financial blessings of winning lotteries has left people to end up in more financial struggles OR ruin. This can also be the same with incredible blessings in any areas of our life’s.
Just as pain and loss can affect us personally, so can incredibale abundance in provision.
In 1 Corinthians 10:13 we see an incredible verse that I believe explains this. I like the passion translation version.
So lets read through it and break it down with the Fathers help.
We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it.
Whether it is a testing of great provision or loss. This scripture says God has provided everything you need, so you can bear it and learn from it. Each test is another opportunity to trust Him more. Which is the main reason, He allows trials or test’s in the first-place. (A interesting thing to remember when you are walking through a tough time in life)
for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape,
that will bring you out of it victoriously.
I believe there is a question Here in this part of the verse.
As there was two tree’s in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9) The reason why the Father did this, was it showed how much He honours freedom of choice. To Him freedom of choice is an absolute or a must.
I believe and have experienced two ways we can come out from a trial or test of His. Both are mentioned in the above verse.
You can come out of a trial by escape or victoriously !
Escaping meaning you make it, but did not learn or achieve anything from it !
While victorious means you are stronger from the experience, trust God more and now carry an amazing testimony. For others to experience the same as seen in revelation 19:10.
So let’s leave it there for today !
Challenge time,
Grab a drink and a notebook or your journal.
1. I want you to take sometime and put on some worship music. Start praising Him and giving thanks to Him.
2. Now I want you to say “Father God what is it you want me to lay down from year 2023 ?” And wait and write down what He says. If you don’t hear Him speak, thats ok. Go back into worship (as worship and praise shift our reality from this world to His Kingdom ). Then ask Him the above question again.
3. When you have your list. Take each thing and Say the following prayer: “Father I choose to lay this………………….(name the thing) at Your feet, What are you going to give me in return ? Wait and write down what He says or shows you beside the thing you’re laying down. Repeat this for all of the things on your list. Being careful to write in detail what He says or reveals to you in picture, vision etc
4. Now take the two lists, This is your choice time, you can keep what you have or have what He has shown you ?? (See God is not a God that simply takes. But ‘Gives’ He only wants us to lay down or hand over to Him, because through doing so, He can give you something incredibly special in return)
5. If you want what you have then here we end for you.
6. But if you choose to lay down what He is asking. Here is how you do it. Take your lists, Now choose one thing and what He has shown you, He wants to replace it with. Say the following prayer ‘Father I choose to lay-down ……………………..’(describe what you are laying down). Then continue prayer with ‘I choose to pick up instead……………………….(say what He revealed He wants to give you in return )’ then conclude prayer with ‘I thank you in Jesus name amen’
7. Now repeat with the rest of your list.
Here we finish for today with another prayer.
I invite you to join me in.
Father I thank you, that you are so Good. Faithful and always want the very best for me. I thank You, for all that you have provided for me today ! Out of your Heart of Love. I declare I am now changed forever. I am fully reconciled with You and ready for 2024. Which I declare will be the best year I have ever had AMEN
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Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries