Last time we looked more at the Parable of the Talents and remembered that our Abba Father is into extravagance and His character is full of extravagant love, grace ,mercy and favour towards us.
We also got crunching numbers to relate to the value a talent today.. Lets recap part 2.
In order to determine how much 1 talent of silver is worth today, it is necessary to analyse the current market price of silver. As of Aug 7th 2023, the spot price of silver is approximately $1,222.69 (NZD) per kg, keeping that in mind, 1 talent of silver is currently worth around $39,126.08 NZD (32 kilograms x 1,222.69 NZD ).
But some say it was Gold the value of 1 talent of silver to other precious metals. Gold, for example, is typically more valuable than silver due to its rarity and desirability. As of 7th August 2023, the spot price of gold is approximately $102,148.31 NZD per kilogram. Therefore, 1 talent of gold is currently worth around $3,268,745.92 NZD (32 kilograms x 102,148.31 NZD). Last we look at how risky the investment was for the two who traded it as they both got 100% return on their investment.
A 1% risk/reward ratio of 1:1 means that an investor is willing to risk the same amount of capital that they deposit into a position. This can go in two directions: either the trader will double their amount of capital through a winning trade, or they will lose all of their capital. Now imagine this to two servant doing this with such a remarkable gift given to them knowing one day the master will return.
Let’s pick back up with the equations and see what God wants to show us.
Right if we take all of part 2 into account, we see that the ones who received 5 talents and 2 talents were risking an awful lot to gain what they did!
(5 talents sliver $195,630.4 NZD or 5 talents Gold $16,343,729.6 NZD and
2 Talents Silver $78,252.16 NZD or 2 talents Gold $6,537,491.84 NZD
Here I believe Jesus is trying to emphasise the value of what He was about to pass onto His disciples and also onto us! Yet He knew He could only speak to them in a natural way that related to both TO the day and way of the time. So He used the value of a talent to represent what? He was given them. That through Faith in Him, they would see impossible become possible, achievable reality to them . Which is outwork ones faith !
Because a talent was a largest unit of currency at that time. A talent came from the Greek word tálanton, it was a large monetary measurement equal to 6,000 drachmas or denarii, the Greek and Roman silver coins. The denarius was a standard silver Roman coin and equal to a day’s wages. So 12,000 days (32 years)of work or 30,000 days (82years) of work for another was it, if he had lost it in trading. Buy the time living costs and tax are taken off ! It is clear to see it was a totally unattainable sum to earn for the average person.
Wow right?
Also to give you even more meaning to how much this really was, did you know the average life expectancy was only around 35years. When Jesus shared this parable, which is remarkable, you could say an almost impossible task, the two servants did getting 100% return on their investment in trading.
Remember they did not have a clue to the time for the masters return either, so they had to try and figure this out, in order to gain what they gained. That the day the master came back they would have the funds ready for Him to have, and not it locked in a term that couldn’t be broken without great loss as it can happen today with term investments.
And yes they did have it ready as we will read soon, which is so amazing in itself, and a reminder that we are to be ready at all times to answer and give to Jesus as He leads.
Did you know the word talent also as other meanings ?
Here is a couple
talent, charisma, genius
a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude general intelligence or mental power or the natural endowments of a person
a person of talent or a group of people of talent in a field or activity.
As well as what we are looking at in any of several ancient units of weight unit of value equal to the value of a talent of gold or silver
I believe Jesus was talking about all of the above and He gave each a measure according to His ability, simply no more and no less!
For unless we are willing to do all we are able to do, then often God will not move, He waits for us and our willingness.
And our ceiling of our ability is His floor to raise us up from, the very point break through to most miracles
Let’s pause there and pick up part 4 next time.
Challenge Time: (Grab your journal and be with the Lord record all He says)
Today I feel that Lord, so wants to reveal to us His splendour and Glory through you and the next generation ( Psalms 90:16-17) !
So here is two version of the same scripture
Take time to declare them over yourself, your family, your church, community and nation ! May these words be continuously on your tongue. Through out this coming week, maybe print them out on a card or quick reference on your phone. To glance at often and declare from and ……..The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective and this is you.
Father : may your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands. Amen (NIV)
Father :let us see your miracles again, and let the rising generation
see the glorious wonders you’re famous for.
O Lord our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us
and give us favor.
Come work with us, and then our works will endure,
and give us success in all we do. Amen (TPT)
Father I thank you for allowing us to see and be apart of the amazing work You are doing. Right throughout this world, turning hearts back to You , healing the sick, raising the dead and bring deliverance to the heavy burden and oppressed . I thank You for all we are learning through this incredible series. That our works through Faith will be pleasing to Your sight and backed up in power from the most high. We give You all the glory amen. Amen
For those of you, who want to place an offering at the alter or plant a finical seed in the fertile ground of the Lord. Maybe you could contribute in someway towards His House, we are currently building. To equip the saints for ministry, then release His word through them, in a variety of ways.
Below is a link to a secure website, so you can do this safely online.
Or our bank account details for New Zealand memebers,
Encounter Centre – 03-0481-0007448-000
If you require a receipt for tax purposes please email to info@encounterministries.org.nz
Craig Patten
Founding Pastor/Prophet
Encounter Centre & Ministries