BEFORE you Move Ask Me for The Instructions! Part 1

These were the word that I awoke to one morning! There are two very precious moments I reserve every day! The moment my head touches my pillow before I go to sleep at night, and the moment I wake before getting up!

So what’s needed is: A space without distraction, to be open, honest, transparent and vulnerable with the Lord.

Like the place described in Psalm 27 or 91 or Hebrews 4:16 (MSG)
“So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help”.

It’s in this place I receive a word for me, another or a community. That phrase “Before you move ask Me for the Instructions” from the Lord drew me to push in more, as I felt this was a breakthrough word for many.

Key: Anyone can come, anyone can stay, & anyone can live in His Presence.

It involved me pondering, praying and mediating on this word and in the doing so, I got the sudden realisation: this COMMON THING HE HAD BEEN teaching and training my wife and myself to do over the years in our time as youth pastors and to today, is LIVE IN HIS PRESENCE.

This is one of the biggest keys to seeing breakthrough in peoples lives, especially in the role Jesus has given me as a prophet, that I realise the importance of being diligent with the words I receive AND know they are always only part of the bigger message to the path, story, direction to seeing the birth, change or completion of a word that the Lord speaking.

2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth”.

Hebrews 6:11 “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realised”.

Often we can be so keen to act on a word, YET we do it without even finding out the how, why and when, and for me when I have done this it has ended up with me in distraction.

But why is this? Because I have the right word from the Lord and know that every word contains everything in it for completion, so if the word is right and I have all I need to see it completed, then what I am I missing?
The instructions to complete it!

Let me explain, have you ever bought a kit set for maybe piece of furniture, a model, or a knitting pattern. Now we know that the kit set and pattern come with a set of instructions, hmmm yet how often do we study, and read the instructions? Or do we say I can do it myself I don’t need instructions? In essence I’ll do it my way!!!

If I’m honest this has been me and I’m guessing so have a lot of you, yet what happens as we live this? Now I can only speak for myself, that usually the job seems to take way too long, too many things don’t fit, ending up with pieces left over and needing to pull things apart and RE DO it. And on heaps of these occasions, I’m in total frustration where I’m looking for the instructions to pick up and follow. Amen?

This is the same with the words, messages, dreams, vision we received from the Lord, without the instruction we will end up frustrated, disillusioned and will even give up!

Let’s pause there and pick up the final part next time.

Challenge time: Grab your journal and space to be with the Holy Spirit so you can record His responses.

  1. Holy Spirt do I have a space without distraction, where I can be open, honest, transparent and vulnerable with You? If not would You give me one? Thank Him.
  2. Now Holy Spirit do I know the quiet moments You give me in my day, and do I value them?
  3. Holy Spirit would You help me Live in the Presence continuously? What is the first step to doing this? What is the next step? What is the last step?
  4. Give Thanks for the miracle is found in the giving thanks.
  5. Holy Spirit am I recognising the many ways You speak to me? Are any new ways? Would You open my spirit eyes and heart to hear from You? Thank Him.

Worship Time to the One who is Worthy

Father God, we declare from this moment we make a line in the sand, that says before we move on any words from you for us or others, we will seek You for Your instructions for how and when to proceed, and in the WAIT we will whole heartedly worship You for You alone get All the Glory by Your goodness we get to be part of the Glorious Outcome that You will reveal in Your timing. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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