How Do We Truly Give And Receive Blessings ? Part 1

The Lord Jesus has appointed me the role of Prophet, to equip the saints for their Ministries. (Eph 4:11-12) In order to help each person, clearly be able to hear His voice, trust it, walk it, and believe they have a direct line to Heaven every moment of their life for wisdom and revelation. Yet …

The Promise Was and Still is available to You, Me and to all?

Hallelujah! We are here, we’ve journeyed through to the day, time, moment of Christ’s Birth, and do we realise we have what they received! But God!! ❤️ They Received the Son of Man, Righteous Government, Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting Father, Almighty God, Prince of Peace. Wow names hold weight and awe don’t they? Do you know …

They Carried the Promise of Peace!! Do you??

Onwards we journey to Christ’s birth, part 4, where we move from, She too They, as it’s now both Mary and Joseph carrying Promise, together carrying The Promise, Jesus, Immanuel Christ with us, Promise of Peace. Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, …

She Carried the FULLNESS OF JOY!! Do you??

So glad you are journeying with us to Christ’s Birth, today we are on to the 2nd thought God gave me: Do you know you carry the Fullness of Joy? And honest reflection, how is your Joy level? Very interesting question for the times, we are or have been in, right? It begs the question …

She Carried the Promise of Deliverance! Do you?

Today we carry on our Journey to Christ’s birth with Part 3 and the thought: She carried the Promise of Deliverance! Do you? Oh, Deliverance, actually healing and deliverance go together like marmite and cheese, well my kids think so, I think more like bread with butter, or chocolate and strawberries. You get the gist, …

She Carried the Promise of Hope! Do you??

Today is the day! Let’s begin our EXPLORING of Christ’s Birth.. start with the thought: She Carried the PROMISE of HOPE! Do you?? I love the way God invites us into His story of Redemption, Love and Restoration, in Luke Chapter 1, through a 13/ 14 year old teenager, engaged yet a virgin, called Mary, …

Sometimes there is no reason, but to give Him Glory

These were the words I got one morning as I inquired of the Lord for the reason for a belt of illness, I had just been through. These words first shocked me, but also brought an interest and urge to press in for the fullness of what He was saying. As I looked back over …

How do you end well so you can begin well?

How do you end well so you can begin well?Or How do you do a seamless transition ?? This question has incredible relevance to where we are or will be in the coming weeks. A time when companies, ministries, individuals, and churches are preparing for partial or full slowdown or closedown as the year draws …