Obedience is Greater than Sacrifice Series Part 3

In the first 2 parts we learnt to get real and examine why we do what we are doing for the Lord? and what is our view of the Lord? As this affects our depth of relationships, and relationship can only be evaluated on LOVE. And the evaluation of are we are good listeners and …

Obedience is Greater than Sacrifice Series – Part 2

Last time we learnt that our view of God colours how we relate to Him and know Him to be our Father, and we also looked at the WHY behind what we do what we do for God, and checking in that they aren’t just empty rituals just for show?  Today let’s take this one …

Obedience is Greater than Sacrifice Series Part 1

Over the past few days I keep awaking with these words of the Lord “obedience is greater than sacrifice” the words from Samuel the prophet in 1 Samuel 15:22. Let’s start by reading this verse and see what the Lord wants to reveal to us.   1 Samuel 15:22 (NKJV) “So Samuel said: “Has the …

Wisdom,Revelation and Understanding-Part 4-

Welcome back to the last part of our series of Wisdom, Revelation, and Understanding. In Part 1 we discovered wisdom was a person and the person of the Holy Spirit. In Part 2 we learnt that revelation is directly connected and downloaded from the Father of the Heavens. Today it’s Understanding. The dictionary says: the ability …

Wisdom,Revelation and Understanding-Part 3-

Welcome back to our series on Wisdom, Revelation and Understanding. In our last message we found out that the person of wisdom is the Holy Spirit, and without Holy Spirit, it is not possible to have TRUE wisdom. Today we are going to look at Revelation. So what is revelation: The dictionary defines it as: …

Wisdom, Revelation & Understanding-Part 2

Did you know there is a greater understanding behind the understanding you know? It is called Wisdom! Wisdom is not a thing, or a thought, nor can it be obtained from education or brought! So why is that, and what actually is Wisdom? Wisdom is a person, and can only be received in and through …

Wisdom, Revelation and Understanding Part 1

Wisdom, Revelation and Understanding what are they and How do they work together? These were they words the Father gave me one morning and questions that many amazing followers of Jesus have asked me over the years! Ones that love him and go to church every Sunday. My answer is always the same if you …

Living Life without Worry-Part 2

In part one we covered what worry actually is, and the verb definition; is to feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems, and the noun definition; is the state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems.  The takeaway: that faith will lead us out of worry and right into belief. So how …

How to Live Worry Free – Part 1

What actually is worry? The Verb definition is to feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems. The Noun definition is the state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems. Often I’ve heard it said as the miss use of imagination! From my experience this does not …